There is a problem
a very big problem
many a peoples problem
and they don't even know....
You ask me, "What"?
Singing the lyrics of anybody's song wrongly is bad. Very bad, especially when it totally distorts the original message in the song. The worst hit by this error is the world of gospel music.
the "we are not listening to the words, its the beat" syndrome has found a way to begin to eat into the fabric of quality music, so that Gospel music which is supposed to be Word based Music has begun to loose its power, because its now based on the Beats....and not the Word.
I heard someone record Don Moen's song; a "cover song" they call it right? It saddened me.
Don Moen says
One thing we ask of you
one thing that we desire
That as we worship you
Lord come and change our lives
The unknown but popular singer goes
One thing we ask of you
one thing that we desire
and as we worship you
Lord come and change our lives
the implication is that while Don Moen is clearly asking God to inhabit our worship,
there is a disconnection between the asking, the desiring and the worship in Mr. Unknowns version
In his version I'm not sure what the one thing that we desire or ask for is.
This just needs to stop. There is more soul in Word-based songs than many so called singers are truly in connection with.
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